Thursday, February 10, 2011

Missing Grandpa

The Major's grandfather passed away just after Christmas this past year.  He's been gone only a little over a month, but it feels much longer than that.  I loved the relationship I had with him.  He was a kind man.  Strong and funny and faithful.  I learned so much from him and continue to find myself wanting to ask him questions about this or that.  He was a World War II veteran who rarely talked about his time in the war.  I think the horror of war in the South Pacific was more than he cared to remember or share.  He was a simple man.  A frugal man.  A loving man.  And as our life changes yet again, I find myself missing him more than usual.  He would love the direction our life is taking.  He would celebrate with us, and he would have a world of wisdom to share.  I miss grandpa.

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